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Books Better Together

The Temple Public Library has five book clubs for our adult customers. All of the book clubs meet once a month:

Second Look Book Club
1st Monday | 6PM | 2nd Floor 
Some novels are so well-written, emotional, and thought-provoking, that they deserve a “second look”. If you are interested in literary fiction, as well as the occasional, lesser-known international author, this book club is for you. Previous selections included novels from Zadie Smith, Teju Cole, Arundhati Roy, and more. 
What we are reading for our August meeting: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

The Great Books Club
2nd Monday | 6PM | 2nd Floor
If you are not familiar with the term “Great Books”, it refers to the canon of classic works that have had a profound impact on Western Civilization. You may have read some of these works in school, and for good reason. They have shaped who we are, as a society, and still provoke deep questions that we have yet to answer. The readings span the history of the West, from history’s most influential thinkers: Homer, Plato, Seneca, John Locke, the American Founding Fathers, Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Tolstoy, and many more.
What we are reading for our August meeting: Beyond the Pleasure Principle by Sigmund Freud (copies available at Adult Services Desk)

Short Story Reading Group
3rd Monday | 6PM | 2nd Floor 
Novels are wonderful works of art, because of their breadth and sweeping narratives. Sometimes, though, you are not in the mood for a 900-page doorstop of a book. If you are yearning for great stories that can be read in one sitting, short stories can fulfil that desire. In just a few pages, a great short story writer can take you on an emotional voyage that equals any grand novel. If a concise, entertaining story is what you are looking for, the Short Story Reading Group might be for you.
What we are reading for our August meeting: Orange World by Karen Russell

Women Authors Book Club
4th Monday | 6PM | 2nd Floor
Throughout our modern history, female authors were not given the acclaim they deserved. At times, they were flat-out ignored. The Women Authors Book Club aims to correct these oversights. Every month, a different female author’s works are read, shared, and discussed. 
What we are reading for our August meeting: Books by Eudora Welty

Between the Covers Book Club
4th Thursday | 7PM | J. Kowboy Wine Bar (Downtown Temple) 
This is our newest book club, as well as our “spiciest”. Every month, fans of the Romance genre gather to discuss the books that have taken residence on their nightstand. There is no assigned reading; just come ready to share with others the books that have monopolized your reading time. This is the only book club that will meet away from the Temple Public Library. 
What we are reading for our August meeting: Whatever you would like!

So, at which book club will we see you?! Need more details? Email or give us a call at 254.298.5702.0

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